Since 1986, we have been your reliable partner for personal protective equipment and workwear.
Since then, our goal has been to protect people's health and the environment and to make life easier. As an owner-managed, medium-sized company from Bedburg, we are at home in the Rhineland and supply our products from here to the whole of Germany and over 40 countries worldwide. Our close ties to the people and the region, as well as our close national and international partnerships, are not a contradiction in terms for us, but an everyday reality that we live and love. Targeted investments in product diversity, logistics and our environment have helped us grow as a company both economically and in terms of sustainability. For us, social, economic and ecological responsibility are important building blocks for a credible and future-oriented corporate orientation.
In our sustainability report, we inform you about all the issues that affect us as a company. For this purpose, we have put our entire company and the entire supply chain to the test. We have already been able to implement many of the measures we will present to you - others will follow. A task force on sustainability, consisting of employees from various departments, makes it possible to look at aspects from the most diverse directions and to bring up corresponding points for discussion. The goal is to continuously develop and implement meaningful and effective measures.
Here you can find the complete sustainability report.
Our guiding principles:
We always demand the highest quality standards, which also go beyond legal requirements. At every step and in all processes, we strive to meet and constantly improve our requirements. To meet our quality standards, close and trusting cooperation with all our partners is imperative. To ensure this, we have developed guiding principles that define a uniform framework for this:
✓ Management practices that respect the rights of all employees.
✓ Providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees.
✓ Providing safe products for all partners
✓ Minimising negative impacts on the environment.
We summarise our guiding principles and core standards in a Code of Conduct.
You can find the complete "Code of Conduct" here.
The AS Arbeitsschutz GmbH reporting portal can be used to anonymously report possible incidents along the supply chain and/or environmentally relevant issues. More information and the exact procedure can be found here.
2022 NITRAS was also awarded the Silver Medal for sustainable commitment. EcoVadis, the world's leading provider of corporate sustainability ratings, certifies that our company consistently achieves above-average results in the four assessed topics of environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.
Our environmental protection policy:
AS Arbeitsschutz GmbH has expressly set itself the goal of acting in harmony with our environment in all entrepreneurial activities and thus making a decisive contribution to protecting and preserving it. In order to realise our claim, we have defined environmental guidelines as binding contents of our business policy.
Here you can find the complete environmental protection policy.
Our core standards:
In addition to our guiding principles, which form the cornerstone for close and trusting cooperation, we have developed and specified core standards that complement and build on them. These can be divided into three areas:
✓Social ethical aspects
✓Banned and/or restricted substances and allergens
✓Ecological sustainability
We attach great importance to working with production partners who can demonstrate certifications and audits that respect the human and labour rights of the employees and ensure the health safety of the raw materials, such as the BSCI audit, SA8000 and OEKO-Tex. In addition, we also look at the company's infrastructure to determine how, for example, water is treated or how energy is provided to the company. These are all parameters, in addition to the quality of the product, which flow into the evaluation of the company.
In all quality control and sustainability measures, our main goals are to protect people's health as well as the environment and to make life easier. Every product, whether clothing, protective gloves, safety shoes, etc., is subject to strict quality requirements, which are constantly checked by a multi-stage quality control system.
What you can rely on with NITRAS:
✓ Certified and / or audited productions
✓ Quality inspection
✓ Sustainability
Exemplary procedure:
→ Inspection of raw materials and starting materials
→ Quality check of the finished goods
→ Transport of the goods to the central warehouse in Bedburg
→ Incoming goods inspection by product management
→ Goods are released for sale
Further measures to act even more sustainably in the company:
- Reduction of plastic waste through the elimination of individual packaging
- Introduction of a new hangtag with natural fibre instead of plastic tag for fixing
- Reduction of paper waste for information brochures
- Digital catalogues as an alternative
- Digital archiving
- Switching off equipment (PC, printer, forklifts etc.) when inactive
- Avoid plastic bags and mailers, reuse cardboard boxes
- Print on both sides of unofficial paper, reuse as scratch paper
NITRAS articles are only available for purchase after a multi-stage quality check.
NITRAS products - sustainably and safely packaged:
We are constantly on the lookout for ways to produce and package our products more sustainably. We took a big step towards more sustainability in 2019 when we decided to do away with all individual packaging for protective gloves (with the exception of chemical protective gloves). With this voluntary measure, we are able to eliminate enormous amounts of plastic waste and actively contribute to reducing the production of plastic. Even if one plastic bag doesn't seem to make much of a difference, as is so often the case, it's the mass that makes the difference.
As a medium-sized, Rhineland-based company, we not only create jobs in the region, but also support regional, national and global projects. Our heart beats for people and actions that want to change something. Our commitment here ranges from the local food bank to the donation and aid campaign for Ghana. Every time we are impressed by the great ideas and the self-sacrificing commitment of the people for their projects and are happy to support them with donations in money and in kind.
[...] " for your donation [...] which we have received and the regular support of our house, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You give us great pleasure every time. We appreciate it very much that you have stood by our side for many years." [...] Förderverein Kinder- und Jugendhospiz Düsseldorf e.V.
Sustainability is becoming more and more important and affects each and every one of us - whether privately or professionally. Sustainable development can not only help to reduce costs in the short term (lower electricity costs through energy-saving systems, less use of resources, etc.), but also make the company fit for future requirements. A rethinking has taken place, which does not stop at the market.
We at NITRAS have consciously made a promise to our customers and partners with our vision. We consider sustainable action to be just as essential as our economic actions. Every goal, every new product and every innovation in the company is examined not only for its economic but also for its ecological impact.
We always want to set ourselves new, realistic, but also ambitious goals in order to make AS Arbeitsschutz and the NITRAS brand even more sustainable. The Sustainability Task Force keeps an eye on all areas of the company and explores where there is still a need for optimisation. It then talks openly with the management about the topics and their implementation.
We will keep you informed about our developments. Feel free to contact us, we look forward to your feedback, suggestions and ideas for improvement.
Thank you very much
Your NITRAS team