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Packaging unit: 1 piece
Minimum order quantity: 1 piece
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Product details

Further Information

Polypropylene, transparent
Packaging unit:
1 piece(s)
NITRAS beak cups, polypropylene, transparent, sets of 3 pieces, 50 beaker filling 250 ml, 50 lid with opening approx. 12 x 10 mm, 50 lid with opening approx. 4 x 4 mm, carton with 50 sets

Logistic data

size GTIN (PU) GTIN (SPU) length (m) width (m) height (m) weight (kg)
One size 4059904188037 0.39 0.27 0.14 1.75
Customs tariff number:39231090000
Country of origin:Croatia

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+49 2272 401 111